These out of home advertisers were able to brand their names everywhere. They plastered themeselves high on the tallest billboards around. Their campaign slogans were as simple as they were brilliant. They quickly communicated the desired message in a few short words. Billboard advertising is your company's outdoor business card. And these companies made theirs memorable enough to build a brand. Hopefully something can be learned from their examples.
Coca Cola deserves a category all it's own because they have had so many successful campaigns. These are the people who somehow made us crave a coke at Christmas. The holiday once dominated by egg, beer, bad sweaters and football games now suddenly had a Polar Bear drinking a coke to compete with. The Christmas campaign was just one of several of their brand's outdoor advertising campaigns. They have attempted to dominate every season and every reason in their slogans. A product that delivers refreshment can be good year round.
The list goes on but we had to take time to single out Coca-Cola. Few giants have launched as many successful campaigns as they have.
You may notice that all of these slogans have one thing in common. They're all less than seven words long. Slogans by definition are very short. The most effective slogans for billboard advertising campaigns are even shorter than that. Two or three words is all many companies need to convey an effective message. They'll catch the attention of the reader right away even if you're not familiar with the product. After a consumer has been informed, the slogan carries with it even stronger power. The slogan are simple and to the point without divulging too much information.
Simplicity is a somewhat obvious strategy. But equally important is to get to the center of your point very quickly. The nucleus. The essence. No flimflam or minced words. Great slogans are uncluttered and can translate across all advertising mediums. You've got a few seconds in any advertising spot to make your message stick. Most billboard viewers are driving 70 miles an hour when they read the message. All wiewers take in a only small amount of information when they are presented a product. Short, quick bursts of information are the only way to be sure you will reach them in the allotted time. Drive the point home (pardon the pun) as quickly as you can.
It's OK to change. Great companies carefully consider the meaning of each word in their slogan. The meaning is evaluated based on every connotation of the included words or phrases. Sometimes they get it wrong. The key is to recognize when your message isn't resonating with your audience and change it accordingly. Keep in mind that some of the biggest companies change their slogan all the time. Taco Bell has used "Run for the Border" and "Think outside the Bun" along with several other slogans. Coca-Cola, as mentioned above, develops new slogans regularly to stay current with the times. They are always fighting for more market share and you should too.
Know your audience. Know what they want even if they don't know what they want. Here are some final keys to keep in mind if you're trying to compete with the big boys.
These are the basic strategies the companies that made the most memorable advertising slogans on our list employed. Great slogans can be used across all mediums and leave a lasting impression on the viewer in a short period of time. Many household brands were able to use their slogans as a springboard to brand recognition across the marketplace. It takes the tools and the know-how to get it done. If one company can do it, another can do it. We can't wait to see what slogans come out in the future. It seems like we always think the slogans of yesteryear will never be surpassed. As many more people understand what goes into a good advertising campaign and slogan, we expect new innovations will still manage to keep viewer's attention and brand entire companies.